Friday, September 1, 2017

Day 11 & My Japanese Favorites: こんにちは。われわれはしょうテストを今日かかって。It was easier than I expected, probably because I trained much harder to prevent a failure like my first from reoccurring.

Some things about me:

Music (音楽): I really like Flash by Perfume and さよならの前に by AAA.

Anime (アニメ): I have too many アニメ that like so I am just going with しんげきのきょじん(Attack on Titan).

Manga (漫画): It was very difficult to choose, but I would say my favorite would be キングダム(Kingdom).

History (れきし): My favorite part of Japanese history would be the せんごくじだい (Warring States Period) and the conquest of 織田・信長 (Oda Nobunaga).


  1. ワスワニチさん、じこしょうかい (self introduction)は とてもいいです! (very well done). I really enjoy reading your blog posts. There are lots of information and very entertaining! I did not now about AAA but I like it.

  2. こんいちわ、ワスワニチさん!
    Wow you have posted so many on the blog! You are a master in using meme/sticker! I pretty much like the one with 銀時. Do you watch 銀魂? I like Attach On Titan too!

    1. I am familiar with 銀魂, but unfortunately I have not watched it.

  3. Omg Attack on Titan is also one of my favorite! The four years of waiting for season II really kills me ! Who's your favorite character? Mine is エルヴィン・スミス、 The leader of the Scout Regiment.

    1. I have two favorites, リヴァイ and ミカサ・アッカーマン for different reasons. ミカサ is the most interesting of the characters and has a unique personality. エレン・イェーガー is just lame. リヴァイ is the most bad-ass character which is hilarious in a way due to his short stature and cleaning obsession.

  4. Great posts! I always wanted to get some recommends on J-dramas too. do you have any?

    1. 下町ロケット (Downtown Rocket) is by far my favorite J-drama. It is a 10 episode TV series about a former rocket scientist who takes over his father's factory and tries to build rocket engine parts while fighting lawsuits and business rivals. It is one of the best TV series I have ever seen! I am a science guy so I may like this more than the usual audience, but this is also about business.

  5. I really like Flash by Perfume too! I didn't realize there would be anybody on campus who is also really into their music!
