Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 41 & KATAKANA for English Words: こんばんは。


The Nikkei, headquartered in Tokyo, is the world's largest circulating finance newspaper. The following are KATAKANA words I found. You can see the business theme of those words. I found that 1/5 of words were written in KATAKANA especially for foreign topics, but less so for domestic topics. The vast majority of words were written in KANJI, unfortunately.

グーグル = Google
パソコン = Personal Computer
スマートフォン = Smart Phone
ロックスター = Rock Star
リベラル = Liberal
インフラ = Infrastructure
ソフト = Software
マーケット = Market
オピニオン = Opinion

Fun Video on Pronunciation of English Words in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese

みいだします(見出します)= u-verb: to find


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