Monday, September 4, 2017

Day 15 & Crazy Test Week: こんにちはみなさん。ひらがなテストじききたります!!! Actually, there 三テスト this week!!! 😭 I have been trying to write everything in ひらがな as opposed to ローマじ so I have gotten a lot of practice, though I have had almost no practice with writing in カタカナ. The other two tests will probably kill me the most.

Today was not exactly difficult. It was just very fast. We learned some particles の (possessive)、は (topic)、か  (question) and some question words like どこ (where). The hardest part was speaking naturally. Still need to work on that.

テスト = Test
じき (直) = Soon; shortly
きたる (来る) = u-verb: to come; to arrive


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